Dedication of the Veterans Tribute Memorial, June 25, 2016
Flag Raising at the Ceremony, June 25, 2016.
A Park to Honor All Veterans
In response to a request from a veterans’ organization, the City of Sheridan decided to partner with them to establish a “pocket park” along a popular walkway that will provide a small area to contemplate the sacrifice of all military veterans. The initial stage of the design phase proposes a granite monument, two granite benches, one flagpole and trees and shrubs in an area that is roughly rectangular in shape and has about 3,000 square feet of space.
The Oregon Veterans' Motorcycle Association (OVMA) is the veteran's organization that we are partnering with. They are spearheading the fundraising for this memorial. The memorial is a remembrance of all veterans, but will highlight the three veterans who entered service from Sheridan who were listed as MIA (Missing in Action). We have the names and some information on three MIAs.