City Departments


The duties of the Administration Department are related primarily to overall city administration. Key staff members include the City Manager, City Recorder, Finance Director, City Planner, Building Official, and Code Enforcement Officer.

If you are unsure which city department or individual to contact for assistance, the Administration Department is the place to turn.

Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for the major utilities and infrastructure of the City. Key areas are water treatment, waste water treatment, drainage, streets, and parks.


The Sheridan Public Library, one of 17 members of a Library Service, lends books, videos, and audio tapes; provides other reading materials; provides computer work stations for patron's use; and organizes workshops and programs for both adults and children.

Public safety

Responsible for all safety and emergency activities in the City. The City contracts with the Yamhill County Sheriff for municipal police services. The Sheridan Fire District provides fire protection and emergency services.