Sheridan History

The City of Sheridan was named after Union General in the American Civil War by founder and first postmaster Absolom B. Faulconer in 1866.  
On February 21, 1871, five years after Sheridan was recognized as a town, a McMinnville newspaper described Sheridan as follows:

            “Sheridan 16 miles southwest of McMinnville lies at the base of the Coast mountains and among

            some of the best fertile lands in the world. There are two general stores, one wagon shop, two

            blacksmith shops, one hotel, one boarding house, one photographer, one church, a good school, two doctors…”

To this day, the City of Sheridan continues to thrive and grow with the times. Attached is an excerpt from: A. B. Faulconer’s Town by Ruth Stoller.
The Sheridan Museum of History is a private non-profit historical society. They are a dedicated group of Sheridan residents who work collaboratively with Yamhill County Historical Society. The museum features artifacts, old photographs, and memorabilia relating to the area’s rich history.
Location: 142 S Bridge Street, Sheridan Oregon 97378
Hours: Saturdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm or by appointment.
For additional information contact Marilyn Levy at (503)-843-2417 or visit
For further information about the Yamhill County Historical Society & Museum visit