Report a Concern

The Report a Concern form may be used for reporting concerns including potholes and city signs, as well as potential code violation concerns.
If you have a concern you would like the City to address, please complete and submit the form below.  Persons submitting email comments or questions to the City of Sheridan's officials or employees, should be aware that the City cannot guarantee, nor does it represent that such communication will remain private and/or confidential.  Similar to mailed or delivered comments, comments received via email may become subject to public disclosure under the Oregon Public Records Act and/or part of the discovery procedure in a civil lawsuit. 

PLEASE NOTE:  The City of Sheridan Code Compliance Coordinator (CCC) is unable to address or issue citations regarding trailers, RV's, or automobiles parked illegally on the street. Concerns regarding vehicles will be turned into Law Enforcement. For quicker response to vehicle issues, residents should call YCOM at 503.434.6500. 



* - denotes required field