Budget Information

The budget avoids unnecessary expenses and saves money while supporting the City’s core values and its mission to improve the quality of life for our residents, provide essential public health, welfare and safety services, and deliver those services in a professional manner with a high degree of integrity. 

What is a Budget Committee?  The Sheridan Budget Committee is made up of seven citizen volunteers and the seven elected members of the City Council. Citizens are appointed to three-year terms. The Committee traditionally meets once per year in May to receive and review the draft budget. They forward a recommended budget to the City Council for final approval. They receive budget updates throughout the year.

Committee Responsibilities:
Membership is composed of the seven-member city council and seven citizens-at-large.  The citizen members are appointed for three-year terms by the City Council.  Requirements for the Budget Committee are contained in Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter 294.

The Budget Committee is responsible for reviewing and acting upon all budget documents.  The City’s budget sets out the fiscal operation of the City.  The budget committee considers the budget proposed by the budget officer and comments made by the public.  Committee members propose and vote on additions or deletions to the budget, as they deem appropriate.  After the committee agrees on a complete budget, it is submitted to the City Council for review and adoption in June. 

Member responsibilities:
Ability to analyze funding requests to support requested or required levels of City services.  Ability to develop an understanding of the legal and practical difficulties of funding municipal services with limited available resources.  Willingness to be objective to ensure that services are provided to meet the needs of the majority of the Sheridan citizens.  A commitment to fiscal responsibility for the present as well as the future.

Background/Experience which might be useful:
General knowledge of the City and the services it provides. Basic understanding or interest in budgeting and figures.  Good communication skills and a sense of humor.  Prior committee membership in a private, government, or non-profit organization. 

If you have questions, please contact the City Manager or City Recorder prior to submitting a Budget Committee application.  Applications may be returned by email to yhamilton@cityofsheridanor.com, fax 503-843-3661, or to City Hall in person.