Planning Commission

The Planning Commission recommends to the City Council and other public authorities plans for regulating the future growth and development of Sheridan. The Planning Commission plans and regulates the development of land inside the City-limits. It recommends ordinances requiring that all land development undertaken in the City must comply with City ordinances and be in compliance with the terms of the City's Development Code, Comprehensive Plan, and Public Works Design Standards. The Planning Commission hears a wide range of applications including annexations, property partitions, lot line adjustments, new residential, commercial and industrial construction, subdivisions, zone changes, etc. Looking for meeting information and Agendas? Please click here: Planning Commission Meeting Agendas, Packets, & Minutes.

General Information:
The Planning Commission consists of five members appointed by the Mayor, two of which may be non-residents of the City; Council members may not serve on the Planning Commission. Planning Commission members shall hold office for four (4) year terms. Generally, the Planning Commission meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 PM.

Background/Experience which might be useful:
General knowledge of the City and the services it provides. Effective communication skills and a sense of humor. Prior committee membership in a private, government, or non-profit organization.

If you have questions or you are interested in serving on the Planning Commission, please contact the City Manager or City Recorder.