Sheridan City Hall houses the Utility office and oversees billing for water, sewer, and storm water services. We are open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on Fridays. Accounts numbers are assigned after an application is completed, signed, and full deposit and first month of sewer/storm water is paid. Account holders will bear full responsibility for all charges incurred.
The City of Sheridan provides water, stormwater collection, and sewer utilities. We have a new software billing company. The conversion process is going on now and you will notice a difference. You will get a new utility bill at the end of November 2024, and it will include your new account number. With that, you can go online and register your new account number. This gives you access to all the new features. It is optional to register online.
Making Future Payments:
Pay online
o Before November 25, 2024, you need to contact City Hall to get your new account number.
Drop box at City Hall, for checks only
o Please include your full name, address, and phone number on the remittance slip or on the envelope.
Pay by phone
o Call City Hall to get your new account number.
o No changes! But we can get your new account number for you.
We hope that this process is smooth for our customers, and we are very grateful for your patience. Please contact us, if you need assistance; we are here to help. We hope that you enjoy the new features and access to your accounts. There will be no late fees or delinquent fees until January 2025.
Some of the new changes:
- 24/7 access to your account.
- See your daily water consumption, helping you to understand if there is a potential leak.
- A link to connect you to the monthly City Newsletter.
- For texts or phone calls directly from the City (including emergency notifications), please be sure your phone number is current with the City. Phone numbers must be updated by City Staff.
Application & Deposit
The City of Sheridan requires that an application be completed prior to services being granted. In signing the application, the applicant agrees to abide by the regulations of the city water system, Sheridan Municipal Code 13.04 - Water Service System. The application is merely a written request for service and does not bind the city to approve the application for service. The applicant also understands that a deposit of $150.00 will be collected with your first utility bill. The deposit is not considered a payment on account. Deposits will be held by the city until the payee requests discontinuation of water service. Deposit refunds will be in the form of a check sent to the applicant at the current or forwarding address provided. In the case of discontinuation of service, the deposit will be applied to the final bill and the applicant will be either refunded by check or billed for the difference.
Billing Cycle
Water meters are read on the last day of the month by remote reading of meters by the Utility Clerk. Bills are generated and dispatched in the first business day of month, not reflecting payments made on the billing day.
Water Consumption
Sheridan’s water billing is based on usage, not a flat rate. An unexpected rise in water use could indicate a leak. Check for dripping taps, toilet leaks, water heater issues, or faulty sprinkler systems before contacting City Hall. You can also inspect your meter; if the dial moves with all water outlets off, a leak is likely. Public Works can verify meter readings but cannot detect leaks on private premises.
Meters: City-owned meters must only be operated by authorized personnel. Illegal connections are prohibited.
Online Payments
To make a payment online, click the "Payments" button on the homepage or click here: Utility Billing - City of Sheridan, Oregon - Municipal Online Services. You will need to register with your new account number; please be sure to provide your phone number and email address. You may also sign up for automatic payments, view past and current invoices, and manage your user profile.
Non-Payment Policy
Reconnection following a service disconnection due to non-payment will occur only after settling the outstanding balance and a reconnection fee.
Payments: Payments are due within 10 days from the billing date. They can be mailed or made in person at 120 SW Mill Street. Accepted payment methods include checks, cash, and credit cards (VISA or MASTERCARD). After hours, checks can be deposited in the night box at City Hall. Payments must arrive by 4:00 pm on the due date; postmarks are not considered. Please include your account number with your payment.
Refund Policy
The City of Sheridan does not refund any electronic payments.